
Light For All is an international non-profit organization headquartered in Vienna, Austria, committed to serving needy and marginalized communities around the globe. This institution believes in the power of compassion, generosity, and humanity to make the world a better place for all. Moreover, the organization started working for human resource development through Relief and Rehab Services, Community Development and Awareness, Education and Skill Development, Healthcare Services, and Promoting Environmental Conservation.

The mission is to provide relief and support to individuals and communities in need worldwide, focusing on ensuring access to necessities such as food, water, shelter, education, and healthcare. This organization strive to improve the living standard for the most vulnerable, including the impoverished, distressed, and socially disadvantaged people in the poorest countries.

Light For All is dedicated to humanitarian and development work, offering a range of programs and services to support those in need. Special economic Aid helps and upgrades the lifestyle of this root-bottom community through various initiatives for their financial solvency, understanding of the use of renewable energy sources, and secure social and economic life. This organization aims to impact the world positively and is committed to promoting compassion and kindness in all activities.